Advice and Tips

Dial a Dog Wash: Teeth Cleaning

We all know here at Dial a Dog Wash, that many of you would like to bath and groom your pets in between our visits, so we have put together some helpful tips of do's and don'ts to help you make your pets grooming experience, as comfortable and stress free as possible for the both of you.
·         Always brush out the coat first, using a slicker brush if the coat is in a good condition and remember not to brush to hard as this may cause brush burn to your pet
·         Do not attempt to cut out mats or knots with scissors, you may cut to close and cut your pets skin - leave the dematting to us!
·         Always ask us first, for advice, if you are going to bath your pet in- between our visits, please ensure you use a pet formulated shampoo for your pets needs and under no circumstances use a human shampoo including baby shampoos, as they could harm your pets skin - always look for a pet shampoo that will restore the moisture and healthiness of the fur, at Dial a Dog Wash, we only use products that contain natural ingredients and no harsh chemicals.
·         Very Important - Do Not   under any circumstances bath your pet with mats attached, as the process of bathing and drying will only tighten the matts and make them even more difficult to be taken out by our groomers, also the shampoo will not rinse out properly and then your pet will not dry out very well, meaning there may be a good chance your pets skin will become irritated.   
·         Happy Days  -  Get your dog used to regular grooming, on a daily basis, as early as possible and make it a fun time
·         Finally - 'Remember',  Regular grooming/bathing by Dial a Dog Wash Groomers is the easiest and best way to achieve a happy, well maintained pet.
More Tips and information, Ticks and Fleas

 TICKS, what is a Tick?

Advice and Tips                                              

We all know here at Dial a Dog Wash, that many of you would like to bath and groom your pets in between our visits, so we have put together some helpful tips of do's and don'ts to help you make your pets grooming experience, as comfortable and stress free as possible for the both of you.
·         Always brush out the coat first, using a slicker brush if the coat is in a good condition and remember not to brush to hard as this may cause brush burn to your pet
·         Do not attempt to cut out mats or knots with scissors, you may cut to close and cut your pets skin - leave the dematting to us!
·         Always ask us first, for advice, if you are going to bath your pet in- between our visits, please ensure you use a pet formulated shampoo for your pets needs and under no circumstances use a human shampoo including baby shampoos, as they could harm your pets skin - always look for a pet shampoo that will restore the moisture and healthiness of the fur, at Dial a Dog Wash, we only use products that contain natural ingredients and no harsh chemicals.
·         Very Important - Do Not   under any circumstances bath your pet with mats attached, as the process of bathing and drying will only tighten the matts and make them even more difficult to be taken out by our groomers, also the shampoo will not rinse out properly and then your pet will not dry out very well, meaning there may be a good chance your pets skin will become irritated.   
·         Happy Days  -  Get your dog used to regular grooming, on a daily basis, as early as possible and make it a fun time
·         Finally - 'Remember',  Regular grooming/bathing by Dial a Dog Wash Groomers is the easiest and best way to achieve a happy, well maintained pet.
More Tips and information, Ticks and Fleas

 TICKS, what is a Tick?

A tick is a small, blood-sucking mite. Normally it lives on blood from larger animals, like deer, but it may also attach itself to humans.
The tick sits on tall grass and trees, waiting for a possible 'host' to walk by. If a tick attaches itself to someone, it will typically find its way to a warm, moist and dark place on the body (like the crotch or the armpit).
It will then insert a probe into the skin and begin sucking blood. In most cases the tick will leave after a while, or the host will get rid of it without any harm having been done. But, occasionally, the tick carries a small bacterium called Borrelia burghdor feri in its stomach. This is what causes Lyme disease. The further under the skin it gets, the greater the risk of catching the disease.
A tick on the body doesn't usually cause any pain, but it is still important to get rid of it because of the risk of Lyme disease. Every year about 300-500 cases are reported.
The tick presses its head into the skin so it is important to try and remove all of it: remnants in the skin could cause infection.
·                                      Seize the tick with a pair of tweezers as close to the head as possible. Take care not to pull it apart. Pull slowly and consistently until it lets go. Don't pull too hard.
                                 If the above method fails, tie a cotton thread around the tick as close to the head as possible and pull slowly until it lets go.

                                Do not attempt to remove the tick through burning or chemicals - this may cause more harm than good.


 Flea, what is a Flea?

Flea Infestations - Health Issues
Biting or scratching is usually the first reaction of an animal with fleas. Some animals may begin excessive grooming to try to rid themselves of the irritation, eating many of the fleas in the process. Light-haired dogs or cats who do this may develop an orange-brown discoloration due to salivary staining.
These general symptoms are usually referred to as pruritus.
As the flea feeds on a cat or dog, it releases saliva to stop blood from coagulating. This saliva contains chemicals that cause an irritant reaction and pruritus (itching) in the host.
Recent research indicates that FAD may be caused by intermittent exposure to large numbers of fleas. Animals sensitized in this way may subsequently become intensely reactive to flea saliva. This is important as it suggests the way to prevent FAD may be to prevent repeated flea infestations.
The initial reaction is usually a reddened wheal, which forms a papule or swollen nodule and crusts over. After that, several secondary changes are possible: 
·         superficial pyoderma (skin infections affecting the skin surface)
·         seborrhea (scaling, crusting, yellowish patches on the skin)
·         diffuse erythema (reddening of the skin over various parts of the body)
·         hair loss
·         "hot spots" - bare, eroded, oozing patches (a severe localized skin infection or pyoderma)
The itching that occurs in dogs with FAD is intense, and results in self-mutilation. Generally, clinical signs are distributed over the inner thigh and abdomen and along the spine and hindquarters. Medications are sometimes needed to relieve the clinical signs temporarily 
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